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Contact US

We most kindly appreciate your interest in our handmade products, We look forward to assisting you with your questions. Please contact us by email or telephone. By emailing us with your name, email address and phone we can then place you in our database and include you in our occasiaonal special promotions and new releases.772-589-2205 or

We honor your privacy and your information provided it will never be given out or sold. Thanks!

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Handmade Soap, Nateuca Eucalyptus Oil, Freedom Personal Insect Spray, Essential Oils, Amazing Healing Salve, Foot & Leg Cream, PNI,

Our products are for external use only and may irritate the skin, eyes and mucus membranes of those sensitive to the ingredients. BLUE DOLPHIN SOAP CO. LLC accepts NO responsibility for improper use and storage of any / all of their products. Discontinue use if any irritation or allergy occurs. Statements made or products sold through this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before use of our products especially if pregnant or taking other prescribed medications. All product sales are final, we do not accept returned items for possible contamination and shipping reasons.

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